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My Dreams and How To Achieve Them

If the soviet regime did not collapse in 1990, I would not have an opportunity to own a passport to travel. My dream of traveling around the world could have been impossible dream. It was not worth to think about it, just like today's North Korea. Now, I am so lucky that I can dream to travel around the world. Also, now I think life is journey. My journey is not about destination rather the traveling itself. And I need help all the time to find my way. In 2010, when I was walking in the Manhattan, New York, I was lost in the street. I was trying to figure out my way on the map, suddenly an African American lady approached me and said "do you need a help?" I said "no, thank you". But she said, "no, you look like lost and need a help" and she asked where am I wanted to go. I hesitantly told her my address looking for, and she pointed me the direction. Just like this I have many times asked a direction from strangers and friends during my trip in foreign country and country side in Mongolia.

In the life there are many times I have times to wonder about where am I and what am I supposed to do. I learned learning is one way to figure out my way. I took entrepreneur class from BYUI online and heard stunning lecture called "The Last Lecture of Randy Pausch".

The interesting thing is he was able to dream big and really worked on his dream. That is really rare personality for me. I was dreaming to become a pilot but I needed to wear glasses and my dream went away just like his dream of becoming astronaut.

Randy Pausch had big dreams and big intention to fulfill his dreams. Every time he hits the brick wall in front of his dream, he always thought that wall is just to check how he badly want that dream. What a big encouraging thought. Second amazing nature, he had he just did not pursue his dream, he also thought he could help other children or men to fulfill their dream as well. Because of that he devoted his life and PhD education for creating something that helps people to achieve their dream. That is wonderful thinking.

I truly loved the story of the work he did with students at the Carnegie Mellon University. He assigned the groups of students to create a 3D graphics and taught the techniques how to make. But what to make was absolutely on their own idea. But they came up in 2 weeks with astonishing work and he did not know what to say. So, he went to his mentor Andy Van and the mentor said “tell them they have done pretty good job, but you can do better”. It says to me how people are capable of doing things way faster and better than professor expect. And there is no limit for creativity.

One of his points was after creating something great hand it over somebody better than you.

He mentioned a lot about how he and his wife and parents lived full of life by making their dream come true and, very importantly they were constantly doing good to the world. He mentioned helping 30 children to go to school in Thailand every year and so on.

I noticed his dream speech and success story with full of humors. What a great character to speak with full of humor at his last lecture before to pass away in few months knowing what is all about. Impressive man. He said “It’s just too important. It’s what drives us. Help others. Denny Proffitt knows more about helping other people. He’s forgotten more than I’ll ever know. He’s taught me by example how to run a group, how to care about people. “The lecture inspired me to have a childhood dream and not lose them when you get an adult. It is not about just having a dream or fulfilling it, it is more about having a full life and adventure. At the end of the lecture, he expressed directly the meaning of the childhood dream he was talking about “It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.”


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