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Honesty and Business Ethics

In the business world we see often dishonest and unethical occurrences. Some people say "Sorry, nothing personal, it is just business" and trying to express it white lie. Is really business having to have a certain number of dishonest actions? When people want to explain it from different perspectives and own understandings it creates endless argument. If here is no ultimate guidance or center of the principles it will be always contention. That is why there is a law given. It is more like natural law of science.

Elder Lynn G. Robbins said in the beginning of the world Adam and Eve did not have much to get tempted to sin. He was saying they had nobody to boast, gossip or complain about. Generally, pride comes from comparing oneself to others and try to seek to show off.

According to my observation we don't have to necessarily to get better than others but try to keep up with Jones already brings us the bad side. Seeking materials is already leading us to sinful life. So, God has given us guidance through the scriptures and church leaders. Elder Lynn G. Robbins described that God does not judge us by how much we money make in this life. Rather He seek from us:

- If we were building His Kingdom including valiant and strong families

- If we were honest with dealings with our fellow man and using our God given talents in their service

- If we were filling our life with good works that positively impact our community and world

And he developed 5 levels of motivation of living related to God and money. That was quite interesting thought. Here they are:

Level A - Primary motivation is Love of God and fellow men, the secondary motivation is income

It means to be honest in his daily doings and pays tithing to God. Loves people and serves community sometimes for free. A level people are not working for people rather living for people.

Level B - Primary motivation is money, secondary motivation is God and fellowman. Pressure on employees and treat things for money but still keeps a faith to God. But often his actions mismatch with the teachings of God.

Level C - Love of money and secondary motivation is customers. They do things under peer pressure and try to meet the customer’s expectation and do things for money.

Level D - Filthy lucre and secondary motivation is hurtful to clients. It includes alcohol, tobacco, pornography producers and sellers etc. No feeling toward well-being of the community and only cares money. Does not matter how they obtain.

Level F - Filthy lucre - harmful to society and destroys the world. They are drug dealers and robbers and organized mafia people.

But these are not a tag for people. Rather it is a quality and people can choose to become. There are great examples in classic movies. The movie “It’s beautiful life” shows D level and A level bankers. One can choose to become another. The main role chose not to become to work with D level banker. He stood up for his integrity and whole community respected him.

The movie “Uncle Scrooge” shows the D level lender turned to A level person. After the night mare experience, he had changed one day and started acting A level man.

So, the business people it is not a rule to be dishonest person because the most businessmen are unethical, rather it is choice and becoming being ethical business man.

How can we recognize ourself if we are doing ok in the ethical business man side?

If you are the A level person:

• You are making highest quality products

• Selling in fair price

• Serving to fulfill the client’s needs

• Treating righteously the employees and provide fair fees and comfortable conditions

Not only living in righteous way but you have to protect it. Sheri L. Dew was sharing the story of Joseph F. Smith from the 1857. It was a volatile time for the Saints. Johnston’s Army was marching towards Utah, and many had bitter feelings towards the Church. One evening several hoodlums rode into camp, cursing and threatening to hurt every Mormon they could find. Most in the wagon train ran and hid in the brush. But Joseph F. thought to himself: “Shall I run from these fellows? Why should I fear them?” With that, he walked up to one of the intruders who, with pistol in hand, demanded, “Are you a Mormon?” Joseph F. Smith responded, “Yes siree; dyed in the wool; true blue, through and through.” At that, the hoodlum grasped his hand and said, “Well you are the [blankety-blank] pleasantest man I ever met! Shake hands, young fellow. I am glad to see a man that stands up for his convictions”

When you stand for your integrity and honesty the right people will stand in your side. There are many honest business men and they will recognize you and commend you. It will lead you to better and greater business and people. The world is not clean and it does not me you have to be dirty. You always have a choice to stay away from uncleanness or clean yourself.

When you have an investment from investors it does not mean it is all your money. If you got investors’ money prepare for the pain. You have to work hard and pay the money back. I know it is not a loan, but you better believe the investors’ money is big responsibility.

Finally, the honest and ethical business men skill also require hard work. Because it leads you to success. Because character plus actions leads us to the good result. We are working and running business to bring a happiness to our life and family and community. If we focus on money only, we may get the money but become a measurable person with full of problems and contention. That is why this formula needs us. Faith based principles or “The Formula and Happiness” talk by Jim Richie explained well. He said:

One; get up early.

Two; work hard.

Three; get your education, get trained.

Four; you can find your oil. (find your passion job)

Five; so, you can make your mark.

Six; so, you can get prepared to serve or give back.

Simple six steps leads to successful life.


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