How important is motivation? Is it first or second? Jim Rohn once said “Motivation is not going at first. If you motivate an idiot, you will get a motivated idiot”. So, what goes first and how do we get ourself to where we want? Like success.
Things just don’t go itself. We are living in the world of cause and effect. Every action and thought leads consequences. James Faust shared his experience of gaining several skills that helped him throughout his life from full time mission. And they were:
1. How to organize and use time wisely
2. The importance of hard work—that you reap what you sow
3. Leadership skills
4. People skills
5. The value of gospel study
6. Respect for authority
7. The importance of prayer
8. Humility and dependence on the Lord
It reminded me how did I get my life skill from my mission field as well. I realized how low-profile type of person I was and felt ok among the environment before my mission. My communication skill, empathy, listening skill, emotional qualification and team work skill all were under standard. During the 2 years of mission and working with 100 Americans and having daily contacts with Russians I gained lots of people skill and soft skill, eventually continued helping me to pursue my life and business.
Perseverance is one of the valuable characters I notice from successful entrepreneurs. Madame Marie Curie, French physicist failed 487 times to isolate radiation from uraninite. Eventually she succeeded and the radiation was used for cancer patients. She was awarded the Nobel prize.
In 1864 Lorenzo Snow was called to serve in Hawaiin islands and his boat was capsized in the ocean and almost died. When he was unconscious or almost dead his companions including Ezra T. Benson tried for all day long and night to save him and eventually succeeded. And many stories will go on.
What skills leads entrepreneurs to success? Skill, character or luck? Jeff Sandefer asked the question. Some say ability to sell, ability to find good employee, knowing the important numbers, knowing how to do the supply chain, being able to communicate, listening and questioning, good thinker, and so on. But it turned out perseverance is far more important than any skill. Calvin Coolidge said: “Nothing in this world will take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
Researchers said 10,000 hours of practices make you master of skill. So, successful entrepreneurs learn the necessary skills and characters step by step and builds his road to the success. Some people call it luck but indeed it is perseverance.
Th courage to take an action and when you repeat and keep going forward eventually you build a habit. And the habit builds you. Jim Rohn said “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going”.
How do you find your passion? You can be optimistic and enthusiastic towards to your farthest horizon and passionate about everything in order to get there to do with.
Most entrepreneurs are not like rock star, rather they are hardworking and fail many times and persistent, hardworking people. Passionate about their future not about the one thing.
If I am passionate about my future, who I want to be, where I want to be than I can work every day with full of energy and enthusiasm, which we call passion. I can be passionate about studying, exercising, caring my family, working hard, keep a good relationship with people and so on. It all starts with one big motivation and build the habit following that. The success follows the one who has the persistent work.
Things just don’t go itself. We are living in the world of cause and effect. Every action and thought leads consequences. James Faust shared his experience of gaining several skills that helped him throughout his life from full time mission. And they were:
1. How to organize and use time wisely
2. The importance of hard work—that you reap what you sow
3. Leadership skills
4. People skills
5. The value of gospel study
6. Respect for authority
7. The importance of prayer
8. Humility and dependence on the Lord
It reminded me how did I get my life skill from my mission field as well. I realized how low-profile type of person I was and felt ok among the environment before my mission. My communication skill, empathy, listening skill, emotional qualification and team work skill all were under standard. During the 2 years of mission and working with 100 Americans and having daily contacts with Russians I gained lots of people skill and soft skill, eventually continued helping me to pursue my life and business.
Perseverance is one of the valuable characters I notice from successful entrepreneurs. Madame Marie Curie, French physicist failed 487 times to isolate radiation from uraninite. Eventually she succeeded and the radiation was used for cancer patients. She was awarded the Nobel prize.
In 1864 Lorenzo Snow was called to serve in Hawaiin islands and his boat was capsized in the ocean and almost died. When he was unconscious or almost dead his companions including Ezra T. Benson tried for all day long and night to save him and eventually succeeded. And many stories will go on.
What skills leads entrepreneurs to success? Skill, character or luck? Jeff Sandefer asked the question. Some say ability to sell, ability to find good employee, knowing the important numbers, knowing how to do the supply chain, being able to communicate, listening and questioning, good thinker, and so on. But it turned out perseverance is far more important than any skill. Calvin Coolidge said: “Nothing in this world will take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
Researchers said 10,000 hours of practices make you master of skill. So, successful entrepreneurs learn the necessary skills and characters step by step and builds his road to the success. Some people call it luck but indeed it is perseverance.
Th courage to take an action and when you repeat and keep going forward eventually you build a habit. And the habit builds you. Jim Rohn said “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going”.
How do you find your passion? You can be optimistic and enthusiastic towards to your farthest horizon and passionate about everything in order to get there to do with.
Most entrepreneurs are not like rock star, rather they are hardworking and fail many times and persistent, hardworking people. Passionate about their future not about the one thing.
If I am passionate about my future, who I want to be, where I want to be than I can work every day with full of energy and enthusiasm, which we call passion. I can be passionate about studying, exercising, caring my family, working hard, keep a good relationship with people and so on. It all starts with one big motivation and build the habit following that. The success follows the one who has the persistent work.
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